Inquiry units

Inquiry Inquiry Inquiry Inquiry

Science, Humanities and Social Sciences (HaSS)

Teachers work collaboratively to create dynamic integrated inquiry based units of learning. These inquiries are based on the Australian Curriculum (Science, Humanities and Social Sciences) and are connected to the students' interests and essential skills and understandings that are critical for students to work towards during their time at Fraser. These units provide a valuable context for students to display their understanding, knowledge and skills. Students are involved in differentiated activities that are intellectually demanding and connected to the world beyond the classroom. Science inquiries are based on Primary Connections units which align with the Australian Curriculum.

Humanities and Social Sciences (HaSS) encompasses the following:

  • History (K-6)
  • Geography (K-6)
  • Civics and Citizenship (3-6)
  • Economics and Business (5-6)

Science encompasses the following:

  • Physical Sciences
  • Chemical Sciences
  • Earth and Space Sciences
  • Biological Sciences

Effective inquiry...

  • works in ways that challenges students to think more deeply more of the time,
  • teaches students about thinking,
  • deliberately provokes curiosity and wonderment,
  • invites students' voices into the learning process,
  • helps students make connections between the 'known' and the 'new',
  • explicitly teaches the skills and processes used by researchers,
  • ensures that students have the 'bigger picture',
  • focuses as much on process as they do on content.